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Pt Q’s: Importance of Movement

Pt Q’s: Importance of Movement

Q: Why do you keep stressing the need to move around so often?  Why Movement is Important to Keep your Joints Healthy Movement is important — or as might be better understood, a lack of movement is potentially harmful. This is the foundation for concepts like “Sitting is the new smoking”, “Motion is Lotion“, and the “Move […]

Musculoskeletal Disorders and You

Musculoskeletal Disorders and You

What is a Musculoskeletal Disorder? “Musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders” make up most of what I treat. To borrow from Ergonomics Plus, this means “injuries and disorders that affect the human body’s movement or musculoskeletal system (i.e. muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, discs, blood vessels, etc.)”. So back or neck pain, shoulder or hamstring strains, knee or ankle […]