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Building Resiliency with Neck Pain Exerc...

Building Resiliency with Neck Pain Exercise

Pain changes the way muscles work together to provide support and movement for the body. In the case of neck pain, the larger muscles at the back of the neck, shoulder, and front of the neck and jaw override many of the smaller, more supportive muscles that are important for good function. After getting the […]

Improving and Maintaining Movement for N...

Improving and Maintaining Movement for Neck Pain

While there are a variety of reasons somebody can develop neck pain, the majority of cases are “mechanical” in nature. This usually means that body tissues like muscles, tendons, or joint surfaces become irritated in a way that limits their ability to move — leading to limited movement ability (restricted range of motion), muscle tightness, […]

Neck Pain Day to Day

1A Neck Pain

Dealing with neck pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal complaints that people experience. Large scale research indicates as much as 80% of the adult population experiences neck pain (and associated disorders) during their lifetime, with 30-50% of adults reporting neck pain each year. But how to handle it, day-to-day? I hope what follows […]

Putting it Together – Low Back Care Rout

Low Back Care Routine

With everything covered so far, we have the foundation for a general low back care routine that you can take (and modify if needed) to start using right away. For people dealing with, or looking to prevent further occurrences of low back pain, establishing a daily routine that gets the back and spine moving safely, […]

Activation in a Low Back Care Routine

Activation in a Low Back Care Routine

Now that we’ve established what not to do/how to find relief, and selected a few simple movements to start back into activity, it’s time to work at finding some low back activation exercises. These are intended to engage muscles, establish control and resiliency, and provide a link between exercise movements and everyday activities. Most importantly, […]